
I write for about a range of subjects, with a particular interest in education, religion, politics, and culture in America. I am currently conducting a series of interviews with Atlantic staff writers for The Daily, The Atlantic’s flagship newsletter, and serving as the lead writer for our Saturday newsletter, The Wonder Reader. I have written for Religion Dispatches and Tablet Magazine, interned at n+1 and Penguin Random House, and served as the opinion and arts editor for my college newspaper, The Wesleyan Argus.

Selected Articles

1. In a piece that's currently being taught in media-literacy courses around the country, I highlighted a surprising trend in kids' TV: Why do cartoon villains often have foreign accents?

2. As part of my Daily newsletter series, I interviewed the Atlantic staff writer and Pulitzer Prize finalist Sophie Gilbert about how early-2000s pop culture changed sex.

3. In another edition of my Daily newsletter series, I interviewed the Atlantic writer Yair Rosenberg about Kanye West’s anti-Semitic comments and the “perpetual-motion machine” of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

4. I wrote about how the student-activist movement in the wake of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting turned into a dialogue about gun violence between different factions of the country's youth.

5. I wrote about the complexities of teaching atheism in America and the endowment of the country's first college chair for the subject.

6. I wrote for Religion Dispatches about how watching the Gilmore Girls revival in the age of social media was, for many people, a ritual that blurred the lines between public and private. 

Read all of my articles for The Atlantic here.

Read all of my articles for Tablet Magazine here.